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Technology in the Classroom Offers Advantages and Disadvantages

There’s no question that technology represents the future. With continued advancements, technology touches almost every area of our lives from the current workforce to future employment opportunities. Technology also impacts the classrooms of students from kindergarten through college. But how much is too much when it comes to technology in our schools? We’re taking a look at the advantages and disadvantages of technology for students, teachers, and parents.

Pros and Cons of Modern Technology in the Classroom

Technology is here to stay. As a result, students must be exposed to and taught how to use technology to ensure a successful future beyond the classroom. On the positive side, technology motivates students to engage in the learning process whereas reading content in a traditional workbook may cause some students to quickly lose interest in a topic.

When it comes to research, the use of technology through Google search and other platforms allows students to gather significant amounts of information. With more data available, a student’s view of the subject matter is expanded. Of course, there are downsides to this as well. Some students may experience challenges differentiating between trustworthy and fake sources of information. This further reinforces the importance of in-person learning and communication between the students and their teachers.

Technology’s Contributions to Communication Between Parents and Educators

In the past, notes exchanged between teachers and parents were delivered by the student. If the teacher sent a note home to a parent exposing unruly behavior in the classroom, chances are the parent never saw that note. The same holds true for an unflattering report card.

In today’s schools, communication between teachers and parents is just an e-mail away. Online portals provide an abundance of information for parents including school schedules, access to grades, and the ease of reaching out to an educator by email. Parents and teachers are also able to interact over Zoom rather than scheduling in-person meetings. This level of technology is definitely a win for parents and teachers – maybe not so much for the student trying to hide a mishap in the classroom!

Balance and Transparency are Keys to Successful Use of Technology

One of the most significant challenges of utilizing technology in the classroom is the distractions it brings. What student doesn’t want to check their social media accounts to see the latest TikTok video? Also, with smartphones, passing notes in class has transformed to an entirely new level with online chats not easily detected by educators.

North Hills School District students in grades K-8 are issued a 7th Generation Apple iPad. Students in grades 9-12 are issued a Dell Latitude 3140 2-in-1 laptop. For a parent’s peace of mind, the schools offer Jamf Parent. Designed for IOS and Android devices, Jamf Parent is an app that allows parents or guardians to manage their student’s school-issued iPad when school is not in session. With the app, parents can restrict other apps and app categories including games, music, and social media sites. Parents can also create schedules based on the child’s routine restricting access to apps that may serve as distractions during homework time, family time, and more.

Benefits of Technology for Access to Learning Opportunities

As students graduate from high school and move into the world beyond the classroom, continued education opportunities are the key to a successful future. While some students will take the next steps to the traditional college experience, others may need to seek employment. For these students, technology is particularly important. It allows students to continue their education through online courses while being employed and earning the funds necessary to continue the pursuit of educational goals.

Online courses also benefit older students seeking to change the direction of a career or possibly seeking additional accreditations to advance in a current career.

Technology and the Future

For the majority of career paths, technology plays a significant role. This is especially true in careers like cybersecurity—a field that continues to grow nationwide. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects jobs for information security analysts are expected to grow 35% by 2031, with 19,500 openings each year.

The recent discussions of AI and its impact on future career paths punctuate the necessity for being tech-savvy. Also, in the fields of banking, healthcare, the automotive industry and beyond, technology continues to be a major player. The students of today will be the career candidates of tomorrow. Introducing students to technology in its many forms prepares them for the future.

In local schools including Sewickley Academy, finding the balance between the inevitable distractions of technology and preparing students for the future is a solid priority.

“At Sewickley Academy, we make a clear distinction between the use of technology such as smartphones and other personal devices and then STEM education. With the former, we are dedicated to creating an environment where students joyfully interact with each other and their teachers, and therefore, smartphones and watches are not permitted on much of campus. With the latter, we have invested significantly in STEM classrooms, the design of new courses, and hiring in the last few years,” said Head of School Ashley D. Birtwell, PhD.

“Regardless of careers, this generation of students will absolutely need to be equipped and comfortable with the skills, and we strive to show students how technology will influence a variety of subjects and fields and to get them engaged and curious. As we aim to be at the forefront, we also partner with innovative companies, such as FlintAI, to explore new programs that enhance teaching and learning. It truly is such an exciting time to be preparing the leaders of tomorrow.”

1 Comment

Herbert Clark
Herbert Clark
Oct 30, 2024

This discussion on technology in the classroom is crucial as we balance its benefits and challenges. For educators seeking to improve project management, exploring AI in project management can provide valuable tools to enhance collaboration and streamline classroom projects. The right tools can help maximize technology’s benefits while addressing its challenges!

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